Dig It! an online horticulture magazine, featured Statile and Todd’s Dyana Robenalt’s article explaining how to plant deer resistant fall bulbs. Get some tips on how to plant this fall by reading the article on the Dig It! website: The Buffet Is Closed! Deer Resistant Guide for Planting Fall Bulbs in Natural Landscapes.
natural landscapes
Adopt the pace of nature….her secret is patience.
Our weather has been one extreme to another lately. The recent heat has everyone scrambling to begin getting their gardens in shape. A word of caution, however, it was just tax time! Normally this time of year, the Tulips are barely blooming. Last year on March 23rd we had ten inches of snow and we […]
An Outdoor Addition
Additions to homes are common – they typically add a new room, or expand an existing room, so the family has more living space. Increasingly homeowners are asking for additions to their landscape. These are not entirely new spaces that are separate from any existing landscape element. These are additions or expansions to an in […]

A Modern Homestead
Our client purchased a spec home on an old farm, that included a separate guest house. The property was beautiful but challenging and the home had several challenges too. We have a long history of working with Lawrence Tencza on complex landscapes and together we created an extraordinary landscape on this Somerset County estate. A […]

Your Landscape Helps Clean our Environment
We all know that greenhouse gases are increasing in our atmosphere. The most prevalent of those gases is carbon dioxide which makes up 26% of all greenhouse gases. Did you know that plants capture and hold an enormous amount of carbon dioxide? In fact,…