We are pleased to say that once again we were featured on Houzz! In their latest article: Yes, You Can Enjoy Your Yard in December, Here’s How, they provide tips for how homeowners can enjoy their yards throughout the United States this December. From container displays to luminaries, clippings to bulb plantings, there are different […]
A Checklist for Your November Landscape – As Featured on Houzz
Statile & Todd has once again been featured on Houzz! Autumn is in full swing here in the Northeast, and there are plenty of things to do to prepare your plantings for the upcoming freezing weather. This checklist provided by Houzz gives homeowners across the US tips on what to do to get ready for […]

Creating Fountains in Your Backyard – Featured on Houzz!
We are excited to share with you that Statile & Todd has been featured on Houzz again! This time for our use of a Japanese Style fountain. Creating a water feature in your yard allows you to “bring the river to you” providing a place for you to sit and relax in your own backyard […]
Statile & Todd’s Garden Sanctuary featured on Houzz
Unwind in an Enclosed Garden Sanctuary — Outdoors or In Statile & Todd was featured on Houzz for their work creating a Brooklyn, NY garden sanctuary. The enclosed outdoor garden creates a feeling that you are alone in your own “secret garden” in the midst of the city. If you are looking to create your […]
Spring Landscape – Featured on Houzz
May marks the peak of spring gardening. What can you do to ensure your landscape looks great this spring? Take a look at some of the landscape tips featured on Houzz for your region to see what you can do. Enjoy the Peak of Spring Gardening — Here’s What to Do in May
Statile & Todd Featured in: A Texas Gardner’s December Checklist
Texas Gardener’s December Checklist Here in NJ we may have begun hibernating, but in Texas it’s the perfect time to start planting bulbs, and Houzz featured Statile & Todd in their latest article: Texas Gardner’s December Checklist. Houzz is a great source for ideas about your home, garden and decorating ideas. Statile & Todd has […]
Landscaping with Bulbs – Statile & Todd Featured on Houzz
10 Beautiful Ways to Landscape With Bulbs We are excited to be featured on Houzz once again in their article of how to landscape with bulbs! Our projects can be seen in the first, second and ninth photos in the slideshow above. We are excited that they illustrate 2 of the recommendations: letting your bulbs […]
Featured on Houzz Again! Lay of the Landscape: French Garden Style
Lay of the Landscape: French Garden Style Once again, a Statile & Todd landscape is featured as an illustration to a post on Houzz.com This time to illustrate a french style garden. The image from our garden is the nineth image in the story. This knot garden has a formal feel to it with the boxwood planting […]
Houzz.com features Statile & Todd on How to Turn Your Side Yard into a Garden Room
How to Turn a Side Yard Into a Glorious Garden Room Once again, a photo of a Statile & Todd project was chosen by the editors of the web site Houzz.com to illustrate a story they were writing. This particular story is about turning a side yard into a garden space. The 4th image […]
Houzz-photo sharing site features Statile & Todd garden
Lay of the Landscape: Mediterranean Garden Style One web site that we have come to enjoy a lot is www.houzz.com. If you have not visited it, please do as it is a fabulous source for ideas. Statile & Todd has just started to upload images to the site in order to share our projects with […]