Jonathan Walezak, Senior Designer and Project Manager

Jonathan began his landscape architecture career in 2004 with The Todd Group—while in college, in fact—but left in 2015 to diversify his experience with a firm in NYC. At Dirtworks Landscape Architecture, PC, he focused on design and client management, bringing a range of projects to fruition—from an award-winning sensory garden for autistic children to higher education and urban landscapes around the country. In 2018, Jonathan happily returned to his family at The Todd Group with a new perspective and refined sense of purpose. His role is to build client relationships and manage projects for those clients as a liaison between them and the firm’s production staff. Jonathan is dedicated to building long-lasting relationships with clients and the partners with which The Todd Group collaborates to make those clients happy. His inspiration: the honest, people-first way the firm has operated throughout its existence.
Deep Roots with Jonathan Walezak
If you could choose your own title, what would it be?
The Collaborator
Where does your love of landscape architecture come from?
My grandmother fostered in me a love of nature and my mom always encouraged me to spend time outside. My grandmother was always milling about in her garden, crunching on something from her latest harvest.
What do you love doing when you’re not at work?
Woodworking is a longtime passion. Norm Abram is one of my heroes. I’ve always loved building things and working with my hands.
What’s on your bucket list?
I’d love to see the pyramids and ride a camel through the desert.
When it comes to your work, what gets you excited?
I’m passionate about helping others and creating spaces that engage people with nature. I love learning about my clients, their lifestyles, and their family structure, and finding ways to improve and expand their experiences outdoors.
Words to live by?
Do it right the first time.
Fun fact about you?
I used to play in a virtual band. You’ll have to ask me what exactly that means.
When in life have you learned the most about yourself?
Parenthood has enlightened me in more ways than I ever expected. I’ve used just about every life skill I have in some way since becoming a father.
BS, Landscape Architecture, Rutgers University, 2005